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Our Tax Experts

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FREE Consultation

Never Deal with IRS Once you crossed Virtuous Tax

Will represent and
resolve all the tax issues with IRS.

Welcome to Virtuous Tax

Virtuous Tax Solutions (VTS) is an IRS recognized Tax Consultant Firm with highly qualified and experienced CPA’s, Enrolled Agents and Registered Tax Return Preparers. VTS has its Corporate Head Quarters based in Lime wood Drive, San Jose, CA.

The company delivers reliable taxation, accounting and payroll services to thousands of its individual clientele and a host of small and medium enterprises through its simplified service model and filing process. Our commitment in helping individuals and SMEs in reducing their tax liabilities irrespective of their income size has resulted in long lasting client relationships.


I would like to give my sincere gratitude to Virtuous Tax Solutions for the service I receive for filing my Tax Return. Your Service was extremely professional and friendly.
Thank you so much for your efforts. (SwarajDamera)

Thanks for the Tax filing Guidance and Assistance. You are special to me and my Brother. (Arun Kola)

I got my Tax Return Filed in just 2 days with one phone call and this would not be possible without the guidance of Virtuous. (Abhishek Bantu)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone one @ Virtuous for such a good guidance. (Sripal Reddy Anugu)

I got my Tax Filing rejected 3 times from IRS and one of my friend suggested me about Virtuous Tax and they are unbelievable this time it was successfully filed. This is called “RESCUE OPERATION SUCCESSFULL” (VaishnaviKamaraju)

I Thank Virtuous Tax Solutions for getting my Tax Return Filed in just one day.
No Complaints, Good Attitude, Great Service…
You people are not great but “AWESOME” (Alok Singh)